Factory downloadable LEGO instructions


Red brick factory building on 15″ square baseplate, interior with office and machinery, outdoor yard and loading dock. 1748 pieces. Also available on Bundle #1.


When you build this model, your minifigs will have somewhere to go to work, and your city’s economy will improve with a better tax base and manufactured items to sell. The pictures show the pre-production version: the production version has minor differences and many improvements, detailed in the text.

Front of factoryHere’s the front of the factory, built on a large 15″ square baseplate. The production version has a wider and lower gate, in the front wall rather than the side, sized and positioned to exactly match a LEGO road plate lined up with the front of the factory baseplate to give easy access for your trucks. Notice the decorative hexagonal window in the roof gable and the clerestory windows at the top of the roof. Of course, the roof lifts off to give easy access to the detailed interior.

Customer comments…

Click picture to see Factory detail pageNow that I finally have your factory constructed and gracefully overpowering my parent’s dining room table, I just wanted to say thanks for putting such quality into your product, especially in a time when it seems everyone can get away with cutting corners.
Dave Wright, NJ, USA

back of factoryThis view shows the side yard and rear of the factory. In the side yard, the boilerhouse has been converted to a spray painting area, vented through the old boiler chimney, and in the production version there’s a storage shed, dumpster, chemical or paint drums, downspout and lighting.

Rear loading dockThe production version includes a rear loading dock and loading doors suitable for running a train track alongside, or for loading large trucks. There’s a decorative hexagonal inset in the roof gable to match the window at the front.

Side of factoryA generous row of large windows along the side wall allows a view of the interior even when the roof is on, and good light for the industrious workers.

Look at what’s inside!

back of factoryAt the front, a large public office provides desk space for the receptionist, secretary and bookkeeper, along with the office machines for them to do their jobs.

back of factoryA smaller corner office with green and blue checkered floor accommodates the owner in comfort, with desk, shelving and lighting.


Click picture to see Factory detail pageThis is a real eye-catcher. The roof colour[Manfred bought a dark grey roof version] is really beautiful, and the black (not available in dark grey) ridge parts don’t disturb at all, instead I think they accentuate the rim in a nice way. While showing it, the set triggered response from LEGO connoisseurs, such as “That are a LOT of dark grey slopes!”. The hexagonal facade details breaks the otherwise too massive triangular surface effectively. I also like the richness in details and all the beautiful tooling machines. Good minifigs too.
Manfred Moolhuysen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

back of factoryback of factoryIn the main production area, you’ll find a variety of woodworking mach-inery: lathe, drill press, bandsaw, table saw, chop saw and jointer.

back of factoryback of factoryHand and power tools are stored in a cabinet and on shelves, and gratings on the floor in front of machines make long work hours easy on the feet.

At the back of the main building is the production manager’s office, with the usual desk, shelves and phone plus a layout table for drawings, and a job card rack. Next to the office is the interior loading dock, equipped with steps and a ramp for access, and dollies and handcart for moving items. Small details are everywhere – the clock and fire bell on the wall, safety striping along the edge of the dock, and more.

Build your own Factory

You can build this model yourself using Lions Gate Models’ high quality instructions. The LEGO building instructions are very complete, fully detailed, and take you step-by-step through the construction process in full color. You can use them on your computer screen or print them out, your choice.

Order your downloadable instructions now, and start building right away!


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