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LEGO Modular Church

Modular Church by Jason Skaare on Flickr

#LEgo #LEGOarchitecture #Legobuilding #Legohouse #legophotography #legostagram #legos #legoideas #legophoto #legomania #legomoc #instalego #legocity #afol #legotown #legomodular #legobuilder #legocreator #legopic #legofan #legoaddict #brickstagram #legomocs #customlego #legomaniac #legophotos #legobuilder #legocustom

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Historic City Waterway in LEGO

Historic waterway in Castor City by Castor Troy on Flickr

#LEgo #LEGOarchitecture #Legobuilding #Legohouse #legophotography #legostagram #legos #legoideas #legophoto #legomania #legomoc #instalego #legocity #afol #legotown #legomodular #legobuilder #legocreator #legopic #legofan #legoaddict #brickstagram #legomocs #customlego #legomaniac #legophotos #legobuilder #legocustom

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St Basil’s Cathedral, Moscow – Custom LEGO Model

Amazing LEGO build of St Basil’s Cathedral in Red Square, Moscow. Check out the matches between the decorated domes on the model and the photo behind it!

Credit: @merch.and.dice on Instagram

merch.and.dice says: “Saint Basil’s Cathedral! The domes are amazing. ”

#legopic #legofan #stbasilscathedral #redsquare #oniondomes #legobuilding #legomania