Every LEGO® city needs a shopping mall so the minifigs can spend all their hard-earned LEGO money! This streetside mall contains four stores: a sandwich and coffee shop, a pet store, a hardware store and a dentist.
Transform yourself into a minifig and follow me on a tour…
We arrive in the parking lot through the road entrance, carefully arranged to match a LEGO intersection road plate. (Road plates are not included in the kit).
There are plenty of parking spaces, just one being filled by a nifty white convertible. Your own LEGO cars and trucks can fill up the empty spaces.
The mall sign lists all the stores, and landscaped areas soften the corners of the parking lot. We’ll take a stroll along the elegant white-tiled sidewalk and visit each store in turn.
Customer comments…
The Shopping Mall kit is a very nice model of… well, just what it supposed to represent. It has an inviting, colorful, sleek and consumer-happy facade, and the prototipical blind walls and delivery back-doors on the other side. Again great care has been taken to furnish the interior spaces. The mall consists of four different businesses with a very nice variation of types. Who else would have thought to make a dentist one of those four. Plenty of merchandise is included, making the shops look well stocked at first glance, although there are a few shelves left empty to fulfill your personal inspiration. The main color of the walls, being Blue, is very well chosen in my opinion. It gives the complex a modern and stylish appearance without being too bright. Placed amongst other custom sets, the color is a real nice variation.
Manfred Moolhuysen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Look what’s included!
Four fully detailed stores
Customer comments…
I am extremely impressed at how functional and elegant are your custom kits! Especially the Garden and the Shopping Mall, if I put them all together they make an excellent combination and look like the same urban planning! congratulations Kevin!!!!
Jorge Tremont, Merida-VENEZUELA
Build your own Shopping Mall
You’ll have great fun building this model, and if you have kids to build it with, so much the better! It’s a great way to add a commercial district to your city or town. Sturdy enough to survive kids’ play (tested with a 2 year old, and three kids birthday parties!) and trips to shows, too.
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